ASF, established in 1983, specializes in freight transport and forwarding. Over the years, we have built quite a reputation – not only for the smooth handling of all aspects of the logistic chain – but also for our tailor-made approach towards ‘special’ freight, including heavy lift, project cargo, out of gauge transport, etc.
Our strenght lies in our strong international contact, our worldwide network of partners and our longstanding experience with and know-how of all aspects of the supply chain. These solid foundations aneble us – if necessary- to hink ‘out of the box’ and offer you tailor-made solutions that fit your requirements. Flexible as we may be, all our transactions are subject to the Belgian Freight Forwarding Standard Trading Conditions 2005.
Having your cargo shipped to its destination, should be as easy as booking your holiday trip. We like to see ourselves as a travel agency for cargo. Don’t bother about the red tape, we take it out of your hands and handle all procedures smoothly.